Oilfield Tailgate oilfieldtailgate.com #podcast with Leslie Rowe in #LongBeach #California getting an amazing #oilgas and #energy tour enjoying their long history enjoying harvesting and producing reliable and abundant #naturalresources for #humanflourishing He became a friend this week as we boldly bounced about town in a truck while #networking with local community, #HSE, #fire, and #safety leaders dedicated to giving leadership, faith, mentorship, and #education. Les has impressive drive to partner with critical industries and individuals anywhere his products can protect lives and investments. As much as this week was focused on discovering peers, I assure you, there were famous plates of tasty local tacos inhaled across my palate on my travels and #entertainment. Fortunately for me the invitation to the Taco Talk Tuesday for the Men's Ministery of Parkcrest Church was a huge highlight and inspiring having newly appointed Fire Chief, Dennis Buchanan rally our burning desire to be lights in the darkness wherever we can. Another glowing ember precious moment presented itself when Les took me to a pier as workers from #offshore platforms arrived and I showed them we were fans of them and all they do with whistles, claps, cheers, pats on the back, and handshakes. Check out #THUMS, hidden production islands with palms and walls that protect and camouflage views and noise while beach goers enjoy plentiful #Petroleum provisions whom most take for granted and don't appreciate the pittance that they pay for such luxury thanks to #plastics products. The islands were named for the companies who bid for original operating contract, THUMS, a consortium named after its parent companies: Texaco, Humble, Unocal, Mobil, and Shell. You'll also see me grab one of the disembarking guys for another quick interview airing soon too. Workers should be our celebrities that give us cause for celebration. Thanks to their grind we have the pleasure of all the gifts that come from plentiful #power. Wish I had more time there but I'll be back. Maybe #Bakersfield gets a boost too. We all need to support the #oilfield there and everywhere in the #USA for life, #liberty, and security. We then made sure to meet and talk to every booth at Disasters Expo USA and find ways to hope to support their vital businesses and our combined forces against #emergency, #disaster, and #catastrophy from thermal incipient events. Les and his partners of Redline Fire Solutions are dedicated to developing non-toxic eco-friendly fire #suppression solutions to fight the fires of today and tomorrow! Redline Fire Solutions owns the patent for a number of all natural, non-toxic, eco-friendly, fluorine-free, innovative #firefighting foam products. redlinefiresolutions.com See you soon. Take care, safe travels, may God bless your endeavors and wrap you up in His almighty armor and success. Sign up to attend events, sponsor or the calendar from oilfieldtailgate.com #oilfieldtailgate