With everything that is going on, we decided to do a positive podcast!
Niina and Chris talk about positive things that have been going on their lives, some positive news and Chris learns some Finnish! (finally)
Links to things mentioned :
- Great books that Niina has read recently : Reni Eddo-Lodge : Why am I no longer talking to white people about race , Nikesh Shukla ed. - The Good Immigrant, Roxane Gay - Bad Feminist, and Finnish one Minja Koskela - Ennen Kaikkea Feministi (if anyone wants to start learning some Finnish..)
- Chris' book : Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing - The Mushroom at the end of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins
- Sculptures returned to Afghanistan
- The Kashmiri Woman Who Spent Her Life's Savings on Stocking Sanitary Pads in Public Washrooms
- These elephants travel 12 hours to mourn human who rescued them
- Schools in England to offer free sanitary products
- Reduced pollution due to COVID-19 in China
- European Space Agency to launch world’s first space clean-up
- Powering forward: how energy in the UK has transformed in a decade
- New award celebrates acts of kindness to people and the planet
Finnish words for people who want to learn :
- ylioppilaskirjoitukset (basically means A-levels)
- hyvää yötä (good night)
- Ukko (the boss of the gods, god of weather and thunderstorm)
- Ahti (god of water, good one, helps fishermen)
- Näkki (in water as well, but malicious, if spelled Nakki, means hot dog)