Originally from England, Simon has lived on the US/Mexico border since the early 90s. Born and raised in Marlborough, UK, he came to the United States after completing a bachelor’s degree in International Relations from Stafford University, UK. He spent about a decade working with refugees and undocumented immigrants in El Paso, Texas, and Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua with Annunciation House.
He is also the founder and executive director of Segundo Barrio Futbol Club. He first got involved in youth soccer as a volunteer with his son’s team. Segundo Barrio Futbol Club is a small, all-volunteer nonprofit that started in 2011. It seeks to use soccer as a tool for social change by providing opportunities for low-income youth to play the sport. Today it has several soccer programs with over 150 boys and girls ages 8 to 18.
On the podcast, we discuss:
Segundo Barrio Futbol Club’s mission is to use soccer as a tool for change.
How many of the kids struggle in school academically and need a lot of support, and they wanted to start a program to do more than just recreational soccer.
Segundo Barrio Futbol Club uses the philosophy of guided discovery to create the conditions and the structure where the kids learn to resolve problems themselves.
Find out more about Segundo Barrio Futbol Club at
Lettie Intebi Velasco of Coldwell Banker sponsors this podcast episode. If you’ve been thinking about getting that bigger yard, or downsizing now that the kids are gone, give my friend Lettie a call at (915) 820-8281. Lettie Intebi Velasco of Coldwell Banker.