Dino Cattaneo is an entrepreneur, executive coach, digital marketer and podcaster. His podcast Authentic Leadership for Everyday People explores the connection between leadership, authenticity and performance by featuring leaders who have clearly articulated their own values and improved their performance by consistently making decisions in line with those values. As an executive coach, Dino works with leaders to follow that exact process and improve their own performance.
Prior to starting his own business. Dino spent over 20 years in services, as an investment banker, consultant and practice lead at digital marketing agencies. Dino has worked across many industries, with a specialization in media, technology and financial services. Some of his clients include Progressive, Morgan Stanley, Microsoft, Best Buy, General Motors, McGraw-Hill Comcast. Dino has an MBA from Harvard Business School and is a Certified Professional Coactive Coach and an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation, the largest professional organization in the industry.
Links: podcast: Authentic Leadership for Everyday People
Linkedin: Dino Linkedin Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dinocattaneo/
Facebook: facebook.com/al4edp
Twitter: @al4edp
Instagram: @al4edp
Email: [email protected] (yes, this is different, it is not al4edp.com)