With climate change and Covid, times might look bleak but there is hope out there. According Murray Bookchin’s text The Ecology of Freedom the origin social and ecological problems are intertwined and cannot be solved by ignoring one party they are also equally rooted in the attempt to dominate everyone and everything. In this episode Bernadette and Tim will introduce you to the concept of Social Ecology, is it a possible solution to our problems or an outdated concept?
Bookchin, M. (1982). The ecology of freedom (p. 232). New Dimensions Foundation
You can find an online version of the text here
Time cues
00:09 Introduction
00:37 The Status Quo
01:19 Introduction to Social Ecology
02:56 Ecology vs. Environmentalism
03:52 The aims of Social Ecology
04:10 First Nature, Second Nature, Third Nature
05:07 What is “wholeness”?
06:24 Social Ecology, Nature and Hierarchies
10:43 Interview with Blair Taylor from the Institute for Social Ecology
16:38 Definition 1 (of Social Ecology)
17:43 Definition 2 (of Social Ecology)
18:58 The Relevance of Social Ecology today
20:25 Social Ecology in our everyday life
21:39 Farewell
22:12 Outro/Quote
Blair Taylor https://social-ecology.org/wp/author/blair-taylor/)
Links and ressources
Institute for social ecology https://social-ecology.org/wp
The Text https://libcom.org/files/Murray_Bookchin_The_Ecology_of_Freedom_1982.pdf
Democratic Confederalism Beyond the Frontlines – The Building of the democratic system in North and East Syria https://rojavainformationcenter.com/storage/2021/06/Beyond-the-frontlines-The-building-of-the-democratic-system-in-North-and-East-Syria-Report-Rojava-Information-Center-December-2019-Web-version.pdf
Solar Punk Explanation https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SolarPunk
Mutual Aid – A Factor of Evolution https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/petrkropotkin-mutual-aid-a-factor-of-evolution
Cover art: Anna Mahendra
Music: ZakharValaha https://pixabay.com/music/jingles-piano-cassical-brand-motive-logo-9997/
Felix Spieß