Thank you for listening to this podcast everyone! I hope and pray that this podcast finds you all well, and struggling in our lives to be the best Men we can be! Remember, i have NOT arrived! I am in this fight with you, daily, fighting against the world with my Wife and my amazing children!
This podcast today is a special one…well, they all are, but this one, as you’ll soon find out, is the first podcast i’ve ever done with a soccer player! A footballer! That’s not the most amazing thing this Man is known and loved for! I’ll let you listen and find out the rest of the story!
One thing I messed up on that will hopefully never happen again is I did not put my Rode microphones into stereo mode, so you will unfortunately hear this podcast through one earphone, rest assured, your headphones are not broken! It was my fault.
This man is an amazing guy and is so good to others around him. Last year I met him through a few people and he immediately took me in like he had known me for years! He invited my Sons and myself down to attend our first ever “Inferno Catholic Men’s conference” in Colorado Springs and asked me if we could help stuff bags for all the men. I obviously said yes and met him down there at like 0500 in the morning the day before. My kids and I jumped right in and before you know it, he asked me if I would help with various other things, introduced me to “all the men” who were helping with various roles in the leadership part of the entire thing, and invited my oldest, Joseph, who was 17 at the time, to run the Audio/Visual for him…for over 900 Men in attendance. Joseph did such an amazing job and I am so proud of him!
And, if you come to the conference, we have special guests such as Jesse Romero, Chris Stefanick, Jim Wahlburg, and others! I’ll even be speaking at this conference, so if you come, I would love to meet you!
It’s amazing how God works in our lives. Because Joseph was not sitting with me or my (at the time) 15 year old Son, I was able to have my first real deep conversation with Dominic and really bond with him. It was one of the greatest talks i’ve ever had with him!
Men, so important here, and I say it so many times during the podcast, if you are looking for one of the greatest Catholic Men’s conferences to go to this year, November 9th at the Antler’s hotel in Colorado Springs at the Inferno Men’s Conference should be your choice! It’s $100 per man, but for now, at least the last time I checked, it is $55 per Man and free for teen Sons! I assume it is 13-19 years of age!
Please enjoy the podcast and see below for all the links!
Here is the premier place to find my podcast currently, as well as apple podcasts and spotify!
Soon i’ll be free from the Army and able to switch over to audio AND video podcasts! It will be nice to watch the conversation instead of just listening and i’ll have the time to do it too!
As always too, check out my Screwtape letters lenten series on youtube on my channel, talkingwithagoodman podcast! Stay tuned too, because i’ll begin work soon on my next lenten series!
Stay safe, stay awesome to your Families, and stay awake my fellow brothers! Stay in the struggle because he’s comin’ back soon!