I recommend acupuncture to almost everyone I coach! I've had lots of people ask me what acupuncture is and how it works, because they only really know that it involves needles. This episode will help the lay person understand what acupuncture is, what it does for your body, and how to use it best for women's reproductive health concerns. Check out the newest episode at tamingauntflo.com
ABOUT OUR GUEST:Jodie Scott, L.Ac graduated from the world-renowned Bastyr University in 2006 and opened her private practice, Nourish Healing Arts Studio. She's been treating my period pain, stress, and endometriosis since 2014. You can find more about her here: http://nourishacupuncture.com.
Show Sponsor: A Guided Path: 40% discount and $100 of the proceeds from EVERY class goes to a health & wellness small business owner of your choice.
Wellness Tip: Be gentle with yourself Period Fact: Italian period myths
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