Top Agents Playbook

TAP 231. How to start a massive social media following from zero. An interview with Rachel Adams-Lee

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Hi everyone and welcome back to the show.

Special thanks to Rachel Adams Lee for such a great interview!  LOTS of gold here.

BIO: She is a small-town girl making moves! Top 1000 Realtor in the US, multi-passionate entrepreneur & a boy Mama of 3. She runs multiple 6 & 7-figure companies with her hubby and lives life on their terms! She loves helping others tap into their true potential and build the business of their dreams. Facts: Positivity is her jam. You can find her snuggled on the couch in yoga pants, hair in a messy bun with her laptop! She is 5ft tall, love all things social media, is obsessed with having a healthy marriage, and thinks Nutella should be its own food group! Fun fact: She just lost 50lbs postpartum!

Connect with Rachel on Social:




Real Estate Website

Coaching Website

Mailing address: 548 Gibson Dr #200, Roseville California USA. 95678

Here area few topics and ideas Rachel is passionate about:

-My personal journey with self-development

- Social Media Tips to beat the algorithm

-How to grow your following

-How to convert a follower into your next client

- The importance of who you surround yourself with

- Setting personal/professional boundaries

-The value of a mentor


-The power of Positive affirmations

-Creating a powerful morning routine

-Defining a healthy relationship standard

-How to build a life by design

-The importance of systems/scripts in your business

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Top Agents PlaybookBy Ray Wood

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