E-commerce supply chains are still coming to terms with the challenges of 2020. Retail businesses around the world over are being affected by COVID-19 through everything from rapidly changing customer behavior to supply issues. As stores closed, fulfilment centers locations increased by leaps and bounds. e-Commerce warehousing has increased over 70% for fulfilment locations and shipping ecommerce orders. That is almost 76% increase of online sales from last year. With almost another year ahead and no signs of normalcy, societal and supply chain shifts are likely to stick.
With so much going on, the most important element in ecommerce is data. This data includes PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security standard), which ensures that credit card information is being protected. ISO Standards that include security of data as well and most lastly and perhaps the most important, personal data that can be linked to companies, clients and individuals.
e-Commerce is especially vulnerable to website hacks, phishing, DDoS attacks to name a few. There are several other issues as well, almost 62% report that human error from manual management being one of the most common.
In this episode, Mr. Phillip Magness, Technology lawyer and the National Forensic Technology manager, Melbourne, Australia , Board Member of TAPA Asia Pacific and invited speaker, Mr. Roger Lee, and Host Mr. Steve Mullins Board Member of TAPA Asia Pacific discusses about the growing challenges and needs of security in e-commerce and IT.
0:04:43- Threats to Supply Chains and their clients and how susceptible they are to attackers.
0:08:40- Ransomware , how the data is being hacked off company sites.
0:16:42- Why companies are paying ransomware and how they remain loyal to their clients
0:21:49- Examples of why some companies are bought down and shut shop.
0:22:30- Dark Web and how it operates
0:27:50- Laws and guidance under Australian laws against hacking and phishing data
0:30:50- Educating company workers and other staff about cybersecurity
0:33:38- TAPA standards on cybersecurity and IT.
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