After spending years in and out of doctor’s offices, Dr. Mel started to feel like just a number in her health journey. Pills, restrictive diets, and numbing emotions just weren’t cutting it anymore. After discovering the powerful healing benefits of Network Spinal Chiropractic Care, Dr. Mel has radically overcome her own personal health challenges, moving from menstrual cycle dysfunction and emotional trauma to more power and strength in both her body and mind. 2016 graduate of Northwestern Health Sciences University, Dr. Mel founded Inspire Life Chiropractic Center in 2017. Dr. Nicole, Dr. John, and Dr. Mel discuss the importance of finding mentors to help propel chiropractic students in their success, opening a practice after graduation, utilizing the 33 chiropractic principles as a foundation for all aspects of living, Dr. Mel's bodybuilding journey, and so much more.