Seven years and still a targeted individual. Jesus says If they hate you, know that they hated me before they hated you. This episode is a series of short journal entries I have recorded primarily as an outlet. In the process of recording and listening, I thought it would be a good idea to remember others that are going through and share my own experiences. It is often a relief to know that you're not alone. These brief entries are very transparent because the brevity of this activity must be exposed and that means exposing all truth. I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of and neither do you if you are experiencing this brutality. Although we may not know the outcome it's important to remember that we will overcome. It's important to know that there is a higher power in control and that power is not of the kingdom of darkness. I will continue to advocate for those affected by these barbaric activities against humanity. I will continue to push for legislation that puts the lives of ordinary citizens in the same category as national security because what is national security if the very citizens that reside in this country are not secure? Covert Harassment and Surveillance tactics are being used to oppress U.S. citizens. These are military style tactics being used on a population of clueless and innocent people. One step to renewal is to address this issue. Does it concern anyone that there is an INTEL device or devices that can be implanted or digested and be used as a tracking device, a 2-way transmitter radio, induce radiation, send magnetic pulses, voice/data/image induction to see what you see, hear what you say, and video record, and that human brain mapping has the same capabilities? All of which I believe to be a target of. As with all technology, these devices seem to be evolving but public knowledge is not. Why is it difficult to believe that this would be enticing to anyone with malicious intentions? The following is an excerpt taken from a retired CIA agent: "...They remotely deploy the remote neural monitoring technology by way of fabricated falsified stream of energy containing a hidden carrier frequency specifically tuned to the unique one of a kind brain wave signature of the victim which is interfaced with the nano technology implanted in the victim's body or brain or by getting the victim to ingest it through food or drink." This silent bullying and stalking is taking place and individuals are getting away with cruel and barbaric crimes around the globe and rights are constantly being violated. It is of utmost importance that I include that I lived in a home formerly owned by a retired FBI agent who may have had some involvement. Innocent citizens are being violated and I believe that action is not being taken because of the secrecy behind the profit gained, and the scope of this issue. Ordinary citizens are being targeted and retaliated against by members of cults and elite organizations. I am hurt and heartbroken that I have contacted my local authorities and State leaders on numerous occasions reaching out for answers and justice and I have received no answers and no assistance in my situation. I’ve gone in person as well as written letters. On occasion I was asked if I knew the perpetrator and I gave names of those whom I had suspicions. I can only hope my actions did not jeopardize anyone else, giving the real perpetrator a scapegoat. I gave names of the local authorities I talked to. I had no proof of who was doing it because this is done remotely. It is called “covert” harassment for a reason. Due to the fact that our law enforcement are aware and still have not implemented a safety protocol for the people makes them just as guilty. This is a fact. Did you know that our very own former president was a targeted individual? That was something that I don't recall making headlines. Why? Because "in the interest of national security" .....God help us