Tēnā koutou folks, thanks for joining me again or for the first time grateful
Here’s podcast Rua (two) - Taha Hinengaro - Mental Well-being
Just chatting absolute shit and exposing myself frequently. Yarning about mental health, PCOS, Goals, Loss, Life and all things in between. Few heavy moments, lots of truths and even more fuck ups haha.
Disclaimer/Trigger Warning:
Mention of depression, anxiety, death, suicide etc.
Kupu used:
Ahiahi Marie - Good Afternoon
Kaupapa - topic, policy, matter for discussion, plan, purpose, subject, programme, theme, issue, initiative
Korero - to tell, say, speak, read, talk, address.
Whenua - land
Arohanui - much love, with deep affection
Kua wheturangihia koe
You have now become a star
Book Series - Caraval by Stephanie Garber
Songs - Drift away by Sons of Zion and Luv is Dro by Jack Harlow
Channeled 22 by Ricki Lee
Instagram - _channeled22
Intuitive Readings
Email: [email protected]
IG: @terakaunuicollective
Blog: https://tiaarangi.wordpress.com/
Click on my linktree for additional links x
Arohanui, Tiaarangi