Mach-Hommy was a man of few words the first time I encountered him. But what I've learned since is he just doesn't like to waste words; he's not big on small talk. He wants the art and the music to speak for itself. He doesn't do appearances, he doesn't give interviews, and he doesn't use social media.
So when I submitted my request for a sit down, I wasn't sure he'd agree to it.
But he did. He let me know that he was going to be in town supporting the folks at KRAVAT for their product launch... but we could talk afterwards.
So we talked for hours. About Haiti, being Haitian, his grandfather. How he came to be; what he's working toward. Through that came insight into an artist now approximating a cult figure in this thing we call underground hip-hop.
Ladies and gentlemen . . . Mach-Hommy. presents Tea & Converse
Featuring @mach-hommy
Recorded at Gansevoort Park Avenue, New York, NY
Mixed by Paul Murray at 1st Floor Studios, New York, NY