Dr. Bisola Neil is a mom of two children under 3, a product of and fierce advocate for urban public schools as well as an expert educational consultant. She holds a Ph.D. in Urban Education specializing in Policy and Mathematics Education from the Graduate Center at CUNY. Dr. Neil is also a licensed 7-12 Math Teacher, a licensed School District Leader, and a licensed Life Coach. You can find out more about Dr. Neil and about B. Neil Solutions, a Boutique Educational Concierge Firm, at https://www.bneilsolutions.com.
In this episode we discuss:
-What Dr. Neil enjoyed about K12 ed
-Dr. Neil’s favorite grade to teach and why
-Status in groups, Identity markers
-One con of identifying as smart
-Different ways of being “smart”
-Social Justice in Education
-Cutting School: The Segrenomics of American Education, a book by Noliwe Rooks
-How Parenting connects to Teaching
-How Dr. Neil’s dissertation required her to learn more about statistics
-Why the US Census is so valuable
-What courses Mrs. Hood is teaching this fall
-Real world math problems and data literacy
-Dr. Neil’s research surrounding black math teachers
-The number of certified black math teachers in the US
-The ratio of educators of color to white educators, and some reasons why this ratio exists
-Black professionals as role models
-Why Affinity Spaces are important
-The Silver Linings of Covid
-What new administrators should focus on
-Dr. Neil’s core values
-Mrs. Hood’s journey with anti-racism
-The Flint water crisis in math class
-How to be an anti-racist math teacher (without Social Justice units)
-When students really start learning Algebra (Hint: It’s way earlier than you think)
-Dr. Neil’s current top skill, and what she’s trying to get better at
-Dr. Neil’s favorite stand up comedians