I tēnei wāhanga ipāho ka noho tahi tātou me Evelyn Tobin, he pouako, he tumuaki tautōhito, he kaiwhakarite hui whai tohu mō te akoranga, mō te whakapakaritanga me te whakangungu ngaio mō te kaiako, mō te tumuaki mō te poari kaitiaki i ngā horopaki arareo Māori. Ka kōrero mai ia ki a tātou mō te whakatikatika kaiako tīmata mō te mahi, mō te akoako mātanga, me āna mahi i roto i te kaupapa Tīmatanga Tuakana Teina, me te kaupapa Mentoring Pilot.
Kaiuiui: Nicola Chase
Manuhiri: Evelyn Tobin
Tuhinga (te reo Māori): https://teachingcouncil.nz/sites/default/files/Season%202%20Episode%204%20te%20reo%20translation%20induction%20and%20mentoring%20copy_0.pdf
In this podcast episode we sit down with Evelyn Tobin, an experienced pouako and tumuaki and an accredited facilitator of professional learning, development, and training for teachers, principals, and boards of trustees in Māori medium settings. She shares with us insight into induction and mentoring and her experience with the Tuakana Teina Induction and Mentoring Pilot programme.
Interviewer: Nicola Chase
Guest: Evelyn Tobin
Transcript (English): https://teachingcouncil.nz/sites/default/files/Season%202%20Episode%204%20MM%20induction%20and%20mentoring%20english%20translation.pdf