After a brief hiatus, Teaching in the CTEI is back! We're excited to return with a two-part series on an equal parts challenging and potentially transformative cooperative learning strategy, group work.
In this episode, Angela and guests, Lindsay Wheeler, Lynn Mandeltort, Chris Hamstra, and Prabhani Kuruppumullage discuss the ins and outs of organizing, facilitating, and assessing group work. All university faculty from different disciplines, our guests reflect on the types of projects best suited for group work, how to ensure equitable participation among group members, and common challenges and how to overcome them.
We are so grateful to our guests for their participation and insights!
Correction: POGIL (discussed around 9:42 minutes) should be Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry, not peer-oriented. Thanks for the correction, Lynn!
Lindsay Wheeler is Associate Professor and Senior Associate Director in the Center for Teaching Excellence at the University of Virginia. She leads the CTE's research and assessment efforts to drive program development and understand the impact of various programs. Lindsay’s teaching interests include implementing inclusive and reflective teaching practices, developing and utilizing inquiry-based curricula, supporting TAs in instruction, and implementing active learning strategies in large-enrollment courses. She has taught large introductory chemistry laboratory courses, small foundational chemistry courses, and seminar courses to graduate and undergraduate students in the sciences.
Lynn Mandeltort is Assistant Director of Engineering Education Initiatives in the Center for Teaching Excellence and Assistant Professor, General Faculty at the University of Virginia. She works with instructors and teams across disciplines to advocate for effective teaching and develop equitable curricular experiences. She regularly facilitates programming for course design, collaborative learning, large enrollment courses, and transparent teaching. Her current interests include relational pedagogy, curriculum redesign, and co-teaching.
Chris Hamstra is an award-winning instructor, speaker, writer, and global traveler who serves as an Associate Professor of Communication. As a two-time Fulbright Specialist Scholar (Greece 2023 and Iceland 2019), he has helped global leaders to fine-tune their Leadership Life Stories. Chris began his career in radio and television as a disc jockey and sports reporter. Chris Hamstra has a passion in the areas of communication, storytelling, and leadership, that connects individuals toward their personal and professional goals. Chris serves in the Online and In-person classroom and actively seeks connection among learners.
Prabhani Kuruppumullage is an associate research professor in Statistics at Penn State University and serves as the director for online classes offered via Penn State World Campus by the Statistics department. Prabhani joined Penn State in 2018 and has collaborated with Penn State Shreyer Institute of Teaching Excellence on multiple projects. One of her main research interests is how group work can be incorporated into online asynchronous classes. She and her collaborators recently received an NSF improving undergraduate STEM education (NSF-IUSE) award which will focus on approaches to foster team-based learning in asynchronous online and hybrid learning environments.