Every day, technology is becoming more advanced—and so is the internet. From social media usage to the Semantic Web, tune into today’s episode to hear Tim and Ryan discuss their fears and predictions for the future.
The Teaching Transformations Podcast. Join Tim Desmond Ryan Wooley as they help teachers in their late forties or fifties to design a post-academic life.
What Is Web 3.0? - https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2020/01/06/what-is-web-3-0/?sh=1379494058df
The Spatial Web and Web 3.0 - https://www2.deloitte.com/us/en/insights/topics/digital-transformation/web-3-0-technologies-in-business.html
What Is Web 3.0? Features, Definitions, & Examples - https://permission.io/blog/web-3-0/
The Decentralized Internet is Here: Web 3.0 and the Future of Blockchain-Powered Future - https://medium.com/bitfishlabs/the-decentralized-internet-is-here-web-3-0-and-the-future-of-blockchain-powered-future-f16ff02584a9
Embracing Web 3.0: The New Internet Era Will Begin Soon - https://www.hackernoon.com/embracing-web-3-0-the-new-internet-era-will-begin-soon-630ff6c2e7b6
Two-Bit History - https://twobithistory.org/
Transformations - The free weekly email with the best personally curated resources to help teachers in their late forties or fifties to design a post-academic life. - https://teachingtransformations.com/
Teaching Transformations Podcast - https://teachingtransformations.com/podcast/
Intro and outro music by Penthouses. “Come to Ohio” from The Weatherman album available on most music platforms.
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