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Finishing zones, changing to Beastmaster on hunter
The handy parts about thinking about alt priority
Island Expeditions
World Quest Event - bonus reputation
Darkmoon Faire starts on April 1 - rep bonuses from carousel and top hat stack with World Quest Event
Noblegarden - April 2
Reminders: 2 pets and 1 mount - spring rabbit, noblegarden bunny (added 2017), springstrider mount
New Naked & Afraid Finisher: Settlersrule, Alliance panda windwalker monk, with 5 days 23 hours and 28 minutes, and 24,483 gold.
Next highest in progress: Norgreyclub, dwarf retribution paladin, level 92, closely followed by Alcina, a night elf arcane mage at 91 and Buffysummers, a human windwalker monk at level 90
Pax East - Apr 5-8 at Boston Convention Center - Demo stations for new Island Expedition feature
Family Guy episode April 1 - Warcraft references
Player gets every achievement in game (3,314) - Xirev, a blood elf fire mage
Need to do things like reach prestige 25, collect 300 toys and mounts, and win 5000 pvp pet battles
One achievement ahead of Metatrosha, a human shadow priest (same number of points; Alliance have one extra 10 pointer)
Wowhead interview with Xirev
Single hardest achievement: high rated PvP ones - most others simply “tedious”
Single hardest non-PvP achievement - “Going to Need a Bigger Bag” - obtain all the rare items from Timeless Isle. Involved a lot of realm hopping (56 items)
Time /played: Estimated 850-900 days /played. 434 days /played on mage alone.
20,400 to 21,600 hours
8,760 hours in 1 year (not counting leap years)
Done over 6 years - 6 years has about 122,400 hours (without leap years)
Average of 5.5-6 hours per day, every day, or 38.5 - 42 hours per week
Ren: Did my own /played calculation on all active toons - came out to 6554 hours or 273 days /played. Sounds like a lot, but when averaged over 10 years (didn’t play for 4 years out of the past 14) it comes out to less than 1 hour per day /played
Alpha News
Changes to quest log - looked at first like the quest log limit was going up to 50. Not true - but it seems like some quests no longer count toward the 25 limit - including account wide quests such as many battle pet quests
New Alpha build includes several class talent changes
Alpha Profession changes:
Enchanting: many new ring and weapon enchants, glove enchants for gathering professions
RETURN OF Wands (Scepters). Last available: VANILLA
Engineering: some of the usuals like glasses, explosives, and scopes
RETURN OF Engineered belts. Last available: WRATH OF THE LICH KING
More weapons (guns, maces)
Interesting bits: Slumber Bombs, Electroshock Mount Motivator (+10% mount speed for 10 seconds, stacks up to 5x, “increased motivation may cause your mount to become disoriented”), Deployable Attire Rearranger, Interdemensional Companion Repository (portable stablemaster), and an XA-100 Surface Skimmer (25 sec duration)
Inscription: new codex
New Darkmoon cards, Vantus runes
Offhand tomes and stat buff scrolls.. LAST AVAILABLE: CATACLYSM
New: Contracts: allows you to choose a faction with which you will gain reputation when you do world quests - requires Friendly rep with target reputation
Scroll of Unlocking - unlock anything that requires 550 lockpicking skill
Jewelcrafting - usual rings and stones
NEW: two staffs - both listed were listed as Mage but the second one (Laribole Staff) also listed Agility as a stat
Leatherworking - usual armor bits and drums
NEW: create fist weapons and bows (bow/crossbow was available in Engineering, 490/525, Cataclysm)
Seems there is a fashion in listening to our oldest episodes