Welcome to Tech Innovador Season 2 brought to you by IEEE Techverse Sri Lanka!!
Explores the uses of Wireless Security and their acceptance locally and internationally.
Introduction to Wireless Security.
Types of wireless security and their differences
Applications and Implementations
Trends in Wireless Security
Educational Landscape of Wireless Security
The job opportunities available in the fieldSpeaker: Mr. Kushantha Gunawardana | ICT Trainer and Consultant | (MSc-IT, MCT, C|EI, E|CSA, C|EH, C|HFI, E|NSA, C|ND, CCNSP, IRNSS, CISE, MIEEE, MBCS, MCP, MCSA +M, MCSE, HNDIT)
Moderator: Rashmi Umesha | Program Team Member, IEEE Techverse Sri Lanka