Welcome to Episode #28 of Tech Talks with Cathy Simpson.
The female sandpiper can run, swim, hunt and fly. Provider for her family, a fierce defender of her territory, this social avian multitasker is the perfect symbol for an organization focused on giving women tech founders the funding and support to soar.
We hope you enjoy the show - Cathy Simpson, CEO, TechImpact
Welcome to our new podcast, TechTalks! The podcast series designed to educate, inspire, and engage new conversations about technology and how it is an enabler for our economy, building our talented workforce, creating growth in our IT sector, and attracting talent in our post-secondary institutions.
The podcast will create new connections between employers, students, entrepreneurs, investors and our business community.
Our podcast content will appeal to the business community, students, entrepreneurs, investors, and IT professionals. Our topics will vary from deep dives into specific technology to discussions on the benefits of digital transformation for business productivity and growth.
When it comes to students, we're not just talking engineering and computer science. We want to appeal to ALL students as they think about careers in the digital world and consider the employability skills they need for today’s workplace.
Our informative and entertaining podcast series will provide insight into current opportunities within Atlantic Canada’s digital technology sector and can be found on all of your favourite podcast platforms including Apple, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music and more.
Our goal is to inform our listeners of the opportunities available and the importance of technology as we build for the future during and after the pandemic. We’ll demonstrate the importance of the tech industry to the local economy and show there is a place for all educational backgrounds.