Amos Dare, MD is a physician graduated from Yale University part of the EGLAVATOR Program. Medmatch is a platform on the web and mobile, where patients and doctors connect.
MedMatch Network
The Transcript
You guys are listening to Tech tv podcasting series. In our show, we'll bring you the best in technologies, innovation to startups, FinTech, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and the latest and the greatest in technology world. This show is brought to you Byla Communications. Joy is brought at the ator in communications at the Ator in Boca Raton, Florida. Good morning, good evening, and good afternoon. You guys listen to Tech TV podcast from the Eton.
And today we have a great guest, Dr. Amos there. How are you, doctor?
I'm doing great. Thank you for inviting
Me. Can you get closer to the mic? Yes, I know, I know you, you hate mics, but,
Uh, thank you. Thank
You. Great, great, great. So Doctor, um, tell me like, uh, tell us a little bit about yourself, doc. Like say your, what's your background, how do you became a doctor, and, uh, what's your passion?
Well, I'll save you the kindergarten stories, , but, um, uh, I'm, I'm born in Togo, uh, which is West Africa. Uh, for most, we don't know Togo, but I arrived in the US uh, at the age of 18, uh, for college. And, uh, went to a small liberal arts college in Illinois called Knox College. I was fortunate enough to get a full scholarship to go to college and also, uh, was accepted to Yale Medical School and became a doctor, uh, the overachiever that I am. I pursued, uh, training in neurosurgery and became a neurosurgeon, a board certified neurosurgeon. I've practiced for over 20 years and, uh, more recently, um, pursuing my second passion, which is medical technology. And for the last two and a half years, I am the ceo, uh, and founder of Med Much Network.
Yes, and that's why you're here, Dr. Dr. Amus, because you are a technologist now. Um, and, uh, and a CEO and a manager, and you have teams in, um, I think it's, uh, Ukraine, right? Or some other countries. I have
Teams all over the world. You know, the world has become a small place now with, uh, all the connectivity we have. I have teams in Europe, in South America, and of course, uh, here in the US that are, are helping us, uh, make our vision come true.
So just come back to the Vision Doc. So like, the vision for Med Match is, uh, I think the word Med match sounds like matching medical something . So I think people will, I implicitly, uh, have like an intuition of what it is, but why don't you tell the, the, the, the audience what is Med Match?
So, med Match is really a labor of love for me. Um, we doctors, uh, at least when I was practicing and still, uh, have been using, uh, fax, uh, telephone, paper and pen to, uh, coordinating coordinate the care of my, uh, of our patients. And in fact, I had one patient die, uh, before getting to the care that, uh, he needed. And I said, listen, we have the technology. Why don't we develop something that uses the technology that's already there? So a mid match is become a platform, uh, uh, electronic technology platform that connects doctors, uh, as well as other medical providers or, or labs and, uh, other, uh, services, medical services. And they can communicate easily. They can exchange information about their, uh, about their patients. And most recently we are very excited that we are not connecting the patients to that platform so the patients can, uh, talk directly to the patient or find services on that platform.
Great. So, uh, and actually like one of the important things about Med Match is that you have, uh, an assistant always everybody dreams. Like, I wish I just call Alexa and say, or Siri, Siri, can you book an appointment with my Doctor ? And then you're like, uh, nah, here can do that. Not Alexa, but Med Match can tell us about that.
Yes, we are very excited about, uh, our new, uh,