This week, I spoke with Silicon Valley's leading Angel Tech Investor & Author, Jason Calacanis. Jason has invested in companies such as Uber, Calm and Robinhood to name a few. He has founded Angel University Jason's angel Syndicate, Launch Incubators, and Launch Festival both in San Fransisco and Sydney.
Jason speaks about his transformation from Brooklyn boy to one of San Francisco's leading Angel Investors. In the early days of Jason's plight to entrepreneurship, he faced certain competitors and speaks about how he used his competitive Brooklyn side to overcome his challenges and end up on top.
Jason explains his decision behind investing in Unicorn company, and why he chose to invest when others wouldn't. This delves into the Founders and how one of the Calm Co-founders previous and thought-provoking idea, aided in his journey to start the Calm App.
In this day and age, there has been an influx in the number of Startups around the world, being an angel investor- Jason skims through thousands to finally land at the startup which possesses that 'GLOW'. Jason describes the particular traits he looks for in a founder before he invests.
We look into what it takes to lead great companies- how autonomy amongst your employees can be greatly beneficial as well as the importance of founder standards.
We look into the most re-occuring trait he sees in the ultra successful founder, making a large impact on the world.
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