Tee reminisces over lecture notes from her favorite undergraduate subject and educates listeners on the racist and corrupt bare bones of the world as we know it today. Racism didn’t end in 1863, 1865 nor the 1960s… the institution is still very much alive and well today in 2022. As uncomfortable as discussing these topics are, addressing Black Life being vilified, stigmatized and institutionally oppressed MUST demand precedence. Avoidance is ironically counterproductive to the unfinished project of liberation. The first step is being open and receptive to the facts; it is only once we inform ourselves today that we can better tomorrow for future generations. Start somewhere and find your role because everyone has one. The following listed sources inspired, informed or are the source of direct quotes featured in EP 7. #BlackCitationsMatter
-Christina Sharpe’s In The Wake: On Blackness and Being
-Orlando Patterson’s Slavery and Social Death
-Frank Wilderson III & Patrice Douglass’ The Violence of Presence: Metaphysics in a Blackened World
-Frantz Fanon’s Black Skin, White Mask
-Frantz Fanon’s The Fact of Blackness
-Kaja Silverman’s The Subject of Semiotics