Welcome back to Teen Queens, the podcast about teen movies with hosts - and sisters - Anna and Helen, as they muse over teen films throughout the decades, reminisce about their youth and see if the film in question stills holds up.
This week they are delighted to be joined by their very first - and very special - guest(!) in the form of Mike Muncer, the host of the brilliant Evolution of Horror podcast, to discuss the teen horror film that re-ignited the slasher genre and also traumatised Helen at a childhood sleepover - Scream.
Email - [email protected]
Socials - @teenqueenspod
Anna tweets - @littlewolf85
Special thanks to Mike Muncer!
Follow Mike @TheMovieMike
Listen to The Evolution of Horror podcast: https://www.evolutionofhorror.com/ and follow @EvolutionPod
Watch Inside Cinema (Mike's video edits for the BBC) on iPlayer - https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/p07f7m9q/inside-cinema
Logo by Jez Fischer of That Product Studio (https://www.thatproductstudio.com/)
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