In this interview series, Ellen B [(Leave) Nelson B] interviews artists about their recently released albums, covering information that would have been (or is) included in the liner notes of their physical releases that have been lost to the streaming age. This week's episode features guests Taylor Ruckle (The All Scene Eye, Post Trash), and Superdestroyer (Lonely Ghost Records) discussing their favorite albums of 2021.
For more information about this weeks guests:
Taylor Ruckle, Owner and contributor to The All Scene Eye, Contributor to Post Trash, Host of The All Scene Eye Podcast
Twitter: @theallsceneeye and @taylorruckle
Superdestroyer, Owner of Lonely Ghost Records
IG: @Lonelyghostrecs or @Superdestroyed
Twitter: @Lonelyghostrecs or @Superdestroyed
Interview conducted on July 21, 2021
Intro music and outro music by (Leave) Nelson B