The Gift and The Curse Have you ever felt an obligation to wear that horrid jumper that your nan knitted you for Christmas?🎄 Have you ever felt compelled to use that perfume given to you for your birthday that you really hate? In both these situations what was given as a gift has now become a burden, a curse even, as you attempt to appease the gift giver. Sabbath. A gift made by God, for man, is a 24 hour period of well needed rest for humanity to enjoy. The revolutionary thing that Jesus did was to remind everyone, loud and proud, that sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath. It is a gift to be enjoyed. Jesus’ contemporaries and maybe even our’s have inadvertently hijacked this beautiful gift and in doing so have sometimes made it feel like a burden, a duty, and even an obligation. It’s time to set sabbath free. Follow us on FB & IG :: @templewaychurch Check out our website