When we intentionally create order and structure around what is going on around us on a daily basis, true productivity happens. With the many distractions around us, especially our social media apps, we tend to find ourselves all over the place not knowing where to start and without accomplishing our tasks.
In order for us to stay focused and have clarity with our routine, there needs to be a structure and we can only have that when we have a schedule. And we start by looking at what your day looks like. It looks simple right, but in reality, it is easier said than done. In this third episode of the Ten Productive Questions podcast, Christian Alan Vibar and David Angway take us closer to the realities that we need to reconcile within ourselves. Make sure you pay attention to the entire podcast and better yet, take down notes.
Highlights of the Episode
Why do we need to take a look at our day?
A look back on a day for David before Project Productivity.
What is hard on scheduling e.g. finding that balance in the control and the impact you bring to others?
Why is it important to have a cadence in accountability?
How to be intentional when creating a schedule?
The three processes in building a good schedule;
Building the right foundation
Being aware of the five aspects in time boxing
The feedback loop.
How do you build the right foundation?
The five aspects of time boxing;
Morning Routines
Lights Off
Focus Hours
Office hours or Client Servicing Hours
What does your feedback loop or scorecard look like?Book mentioned on the episode - Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life by Nir Eyal
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