And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. (Revelation 21:1)
180 What does it mean? The earth will be loosed from the grip of Satan. It’ll be loosed. It’ll be loosed from politics, it’ll be loosed from denominational religious systems; to be used for the Kingdom of God, to be establish it here on the earth. But as long it’s in the hands of Satan, politics…Satan the ruler of the earth, he owns it; it belonged to him, but now Christ has redeemed it.
181 One time, I was his property, but not now. One time, that little woman was his property, but not now. See, He come to loose the grip of it. He loosed the grip of sin, of Satan, upon my life, upon your life, and now we’re not his.
182 Have you often heard me say, in prayer, “take your hands off of God’s property”? See? Amen! Have faith to claim your own. That’s your rights. “Take your hands off of her! Take your hands off of him!” See, faith will do it. Oh, my! Not annihilate it, but, just, “Take your hands off of it,” to loose it, let it go, pass it away. It changes.
183 The earth will change. Politics will change. The religions will change. The denominations will pass away. Politics will pass away. The Kingdom of God shall be established.
184 We read in John, read John in Revelation 6:14, see, “it departed as a scroll.” The Bible said the…that it…John said, “I saw the heaven and earth depart as a scroll.” John, Revelation 6:14.
185 Jesus said, “Heavens and earth shall pass away,” or, other words, “heavens and earth shall be changed.” See, used that same word right there again.
186 No, not annihilated. For, later, in Revelation 21:2 to 24, he seen the New Jerusalem coming down from God out of Heaven, and sitting upon this earth. It doesn’t mean it’ll be annihilated. The systems will be changed.
187 Daniel saw the same thing. A Rock struck the world, was hewed out without hands; and the whole image of the systems was broke down and become like chaff on a summer threshingfloor, and the wind packed it away. And the Rock, Itself, grew into a great Mountain that covered the earth. Watch that Mountain now, in a little bit. That Mountain covered the earth.
188 Also, we find out here, over in, also, in Revelation there, it said, “The kings of the New Earth will bring their honor and glory into it.” In the earth, is sitting…The New Jerusalem is sitting on this earth. See, it just changed.
189 You’re the same man, in stature, that you was when God called you, same woman. But, you see, what it did, it was a regeneration. The old life passed away. The old desire has passed away. When, you used to like to drink, and cuss, and fuss, and stew, and run around, and immoral, that thing just died. See? But now you are used…Then you was Satan’s instrument; now you are redeemed.
190 And that’s what the world will be, the same way, redeemed, a New Heavens and New Earth.
191 Just like you, “You are a new creature.” And the Greek word there, anybody knows, said, “You are a new creation.” Amen! A new creation in the same old temple. Hallelujah. Watch what happens here now. Glorious! All right.
64-0802 - "The Future Home Of The Heavenly Bridegroom And The Earthly Bride"
Rev. William Marrion Branham ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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