16 Weeks means 3 months worth of episodes & there's nothing but more coming your way! Unfortunately we lost more lives in the past week, so we kick off the episode celebrating those lives lost. Do you love your day job? WE DON'T! (why we have this podcast now) But we will always have love for our dream jobs. Stevie opens up about how his future relationships might be cursed by the dysfunctional relationships he was around growing up, but he's not hopeless. Buy Or Burn, Vibe Or Jive, plus more for our 16th week!
Thank You Again For Tuning In, We Will See You All Next Week!
CALLING ALL VIDEO EDITORS! Wally & Stevie have a lot of work on their hands & could really use a new member on our Terrible Team. Specifically a video editor because we do not have the best skills or patience for editing, so if you are an editor & are looking for some work to do to get your name out there, plus join a team of like minded guys, then AVRG Space is the.. space for you! Let Us Know!
Intro/Outro Song: HEAVEN FOR GZZ - Wally Puccino
Discord: https://discord.gg/9q58ErH
Follow us on social media! Instagram: @terrible.twentiespodcast | @wallypuccino | @this.is.stevie
Twitter: @NEVA2FAR | @itisstevie
Facebook: Wally Puccino | Richy "Stevie" Valdez
Soundcloud: Wally Puccino
Apple Music: Wally Puccino
Youtube: Wally Puccino | This Is Stevie
Twitch: twitch.tv/itsstevie
Shop Stevie's Merch: https://www.thisisstevie.com/shop