Kelly – TFMR Mamas Stories- 10 years after saying goodbye to baby Ella.
Kelly and I recorded this conversation last year and this year marks 10 years since Kelly said goodbye to baby Ella and we have decided to release this on her 10 year anniversary as a podcast to honour her memory.
Kelly already had a living child and was pregnant with her second child, it never entered Kelly’s head that something like this could happen to her and her family. After the 12-week scan came the first indication that there was a health condition with the baby she was carrying with a 1 in 5 chance that there was a chromosomal condition. After the initial NIPT test the results came back all low risk and they were told that everything was looking fine.
Despite receiving the news that everything was fine Kelly entered the 20-week scan so anxious and this has been carried with her and will remain with her and did remain with her throughout the rest of the pregnancy and her subsequent pregnancy.
At the 20 weeks scan the sonographer tells them the sex of their baby and then started to take a closer look at the heart and that they could see something wasn’t quite right that they need to raise this with a consultant. This news came on a Friday at 5pm, so Kelly had to wait until the next day to see Fetal medicine where she was told that her baby girl had Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), where the very best option would be a heart transplant and their baby may not make it to and past birth.
After seeking a second opinion at a specialised London hospital they made the heart-breaking decision to say goodbye to their precious baby Ella and make the arrangements to have a termination for medical reasons.
Directly following the birth of Ella, Kelly experienced medical complications which overshadowed how Kelly was able to interact with Ella in those precious moments after birth.
We talk about the importance of health care professionals offering all possible options, opportunities and chances to the parents for making decisions, making memories and gathering information on their babies as these moments only happen once.
Kelly also shares with me how she honours Ella and holds her memory and how Ella is a part of their family with their living children..
Thank you so much for sharing your precious baby with me x x x
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Thank you so much for any support you can offer and for listening to help raise awareness and provide support to parents who have lost their babies due to Termination for medical reasons, Termination due to maternal/birthing persons health.
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