Podcast ini akan membahas seputar kegiatan - kegiatan Alumni SMA Negeri Unggulan Mohammad Husni Thamrin... more
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Back then when podcast wasn't a thing, we had our own radio show. Recorded in a friend's room, MHT05 discovers their talent in entertaining people (and ghibah). It's a shame that we lost almost all the episodes, but fortunately, we can save this one.
The first Thamrin Alumni podcast is OUT now!
Cari tau lebih banyak tentang Thamrin Footprint dari podcast ini! Di podcast ini kita ngomongin banyak hal dari apa sih sebenarnya maksud dari post Thamrin Footprint pertama kita di instagram sampai kira - kira tuh rencana kedepannya kita mau ngapain aja.
The podcast currently has 2 episodes available.