With Trevor back from vacation, he and Logan discuss the news surrounding the God of War Ragnarok release date, as well as the announcement that E3 will return in 2023, helmed by ReedPop (the organizers of PAX).
Stories and Shoutouts:
"'God of War Ragnarok' release date reveal follows fan harassment of devs," by Nathan Grayson, The Washington Post
"PAX organiser ReedPop to run E3 2023," by GamesIndustry Staff, GamesIndustry.biz
"Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion Team Discusses Changes Coming To Game And If Zack Or Cloud Is The Better Character," by Jessica Howard, Gamespot
"Belinda Garcia as a Game Writer/Narrative Designer at Crystal Dynamics, working on the future of Tomb Raider," Belinda Garcia, Twitter
"Webb Telescope Reveals a New Vision of an Ancient Universe," New York Times
"NASA's Webb Reveals Cosmic Cliffs, Glittering Landscape of Star Birth," NASA.gov
Follow the Nerds:
Logan: @LeftyLoggy
Trevor: @TrevorJStarkey
That Nerdy Site: @thatnerdysite