We booked a private session with Bashar, who is channeled by Darryl Anka. He (or “it” or “they”) dropped some truth bombs about belief work and the higher self. But first, we define what we mean by term “woo-woo”: all that is beyond the 5 senses or metaphysical, spiritual, paranormal. Bashar is about as woo-woo as it gets because this channeled entity is allegedly an extraterrestrial from the future, living in a different dimension. Talk about outside perspective.Check out Debbianne’s book about how she and Tony met, “How I Met the Man of My Dreams: a Guide to MANifesting Yours.” Learn more about Debbianne www.debbianne.com.
Check out Tony’s Belief-Busting work and learn more about Tony at www.ToneLove.Energy.
Check out Bashar’s offerings at www.Bashar.org.
Check out The Moore Show’s “They call us channelers” on www.KevinMoore.com.