Join Ginger, Clint, Jessica, and Sara for an "extra-terrestrial" episode of That's A Shocker! Stick around for an interview with Wichita State's Kerry Majher, Program Coordinator for NASA in Kansas. Listen until the end for Libraries news and events.
John Dean Collection -
NASA collection with the logbook -
Trying out SmartSearch is as easy as stopping by our website and using the main search box! You’ll find our event calendar and social media links there, too.
UFO Encyclopedia -
NASA in Kansas -
Bronze Propeller Competition -
News articles via NewsBank:
Via Manchester Evening News (and others): One of the most recent news report on UFO sightings this year (April 14) - Pictures of 'UFOs' over US warships are real and taken by Navy, Pentagon confirms - Photos, Manchester Evening News: Web Edition Articles (England), April 13, 2021 (
Via Denver Post: Numbers of UFO sightings in 2020 - UFO reports surge during pandemic, Denver Post, The (CO), April 10, 2021, p12A (
Via CBS 17 – iPhone photos in broad daylight taken in 2019 by military personnel: Mystery Objects Remain Unidentified | CBS 17
Library event calendar at
Music: “On the Rocks” by Peter “Jazdout” Weis