Numero Uno is all about support. We talk about friendship, partnership, building others up and laugh a lot. There's a few F-bombs. Not many, but fair warning.
Guests: Tammy Wilson, Jodie Sanchez and Jacquie Holt
Recorded: 12-30-17
I open up the episode with an introduction to That's Colorful by sharing that this is really rough audio. I don't know what I'm doing and it will get better. The series is based on entrepreneurship, community and art. Every episode will vary in topic, but for consistency I'm going to try to ask 4 things: something colorful, something you're reading, something you're listening to and something you're watching.
Jacquie's voice mail and the prequel audio of Sarah Kay and I trying to figure stuff out will be posted separately.
Thanks for listening to That's Colorful!