Do you spend all day working through your to-do list to then go to bed and feel like you’ve accomplished nothing? Join Tonya Dalton (Author, Business Coach, Podcaster, Speaker and founder of inkWELL Press Productivity co.) and Eric Partaker as they share tips and insights into how you can break free from the 98% and join the 2% of people reaching their full potential!
Pause For A Moment And Reflect! - When you look backwards, then can you start moving forwards. It is important to remind yourself of who you’ve been in the past, the good, the bad, the really ugly. All of that will help you find your purpose and grow you into the best version of yourself.
What Doesn't Kill You, Makes You Stronger - The hardest challenges in life cause the most growth. That is your most fertile ground. It’s when you peel back the bandages and allow the wounds to heal that you can really see the life that you have created.
Numbers Don't Define You!. - Whether it's the numbers of followers, the number in your bank account, or the number of likes you have on a post, you cannot let that define you. Constantly striving for numbers is exhausting, it's like chasing after a finish line that is constantly moving. You will never reach it.
Prioritise Your Priority List! - Get rid of your to-do list and start making a priority list. Your to do list is taking you everywhere but where you want to go. The problem with to do lists is your brain naturally wants the high from checking off your wins. So you check things off that aren't important, that are not priorities. So make a priority list. It is essentially a to-do list with intention.
Failing To Plan Is Planning To Fail - Spend 5 minutes a day mapping out what your days are going to look like. Create your priority list and prioritize what you want to get done that day and make sure it's attainable.
Work Hard, Rest Often - Periods of rest are not rewards for great work. They’re requirements for work to happen. Stress + Recovery = Growth. Take a break!
Adaptability Is The Secret To Survival! - Life happens. Some days are going to be easy, some days are going to be hard. Allow that to be ok.
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