In this episode we talk to business storyteller, Gabrielle Dolan.
Gabrielle Dolan
Gabrielle Dolan launched her own practice in 2013 after successfully co-founding and then building One Thousand & One into the leading storytelling company in Australia.
Over the last decade, she has worked with thousands of leaders around Australia and internationally helping them achieve outstanding business results with storytelling. She is a highly sought after mentor and keynote speaker on storytelling and leadership.
Gabrielle Dolan is the co-creator and co-chair of The Leadership Connection. A leadership development program specifically designed for senior women to help them address the unique challenges that women face as they progress to more senior levels of influence.
Prior to running her own company, she held various senior leadership roles at the National Australia Bank. She has worked with leaders around Australia and internationally on the subject of storytelling for business communications. Her clients include NAB, Accenture, Australia Post, Ericsson, BUPA, Telstra, ANZ among many other top 100 ASX listed companies.
Gabrielle is the co-author of Hooked: How Leaders Connect, Engage and Inspire with Storytelling, published by Wiley in 2013 and the co-author of Eliminate Death by PowerPoint. Her second book titled Ignite: Real Leadership, Real Talk, Real Results was published by Wiley in July 2015.
Gabrielle is a Partner at Thought Leaders Global and works with organisations to help them gain the competitive edge with thought leadership. She is a graduate from the Harvard Kennedy School, Executive Education in the Art and Practice of Leadership Development. Her other academic qualifications include a Masters Degree in Management and Leadership from Swinburne University and an Associate Diploma in Education and Training from the University of Melbourne.
In 2015 she was nominated for Telstra's Business Women's Awards and when she is not working in her practice, she can be found working in her vegetable garden at her rural holiday property on the Southern New South Wales coast.
You can find Gabrielle at
You can connect with Gabrielle on twitter and LinkedIn.
Gabrielle has recently launched her online business storytelling program. She is very generously offering a 20% discount for listeners of The Activity Pod. To take up the offer, use the coupon code 20%DISCOUNT when you register. This coupon code is valid until 31st July, 2016.
In this episode we discuss:
how making your bed is a massive waste of time
getting up when the alarm goes off and not hitting snooze. Over and over. And over.
planning your day around your exercise routine
being in a fitbit group and having accountability
eliminating death by powerpoint
Gabrielle's process to write a book
setting projects to get stuff done and then gamify them
the importance of storytelling in business
finding stories in business
using your own photos to evoke memories and create stories
using storytelling in job interviews and pitching for interviews
using storytelling when pitching for new business - instead of PowerPoint
tips for collating stories
authentic leadership and showing weakness as well as strength
how and why women don't back themselves as much as men
having a word of the month, word of the quarter, word of the year
Resources discussed in the show
Thought Leaders Global
Darren Rowse - ProBlogger
Anita Heiss - The Activity Pod interview
Wendy McCarthy