Diana Larsen (@DianaOfPortland), Lakshmi Ramaseshan (@LakshmiRamases2), Chris Hurney (@chris_hurney) and Colleen Kirtland (@purposecreator) join Vic (@AgileCoffee) at a seasonal (and virtual) coffee shop to discuss the following topics:
What new opportunities have you discovered in these pandemic times?Building Values and Principles as a Collaborative Activity with TeamsThe Doughnut Economics Journey Continues…Virtual Coaches and Distanced Coaching: What’s Working for Us?Exploring Agile FluencyPlease HELP support us by becoming a Patron: patreon.com/agilecoffee
Books and resources mentioned in this episode:
AgileFluency.orgLiftoff: Start and Sustain Successful Agile Teams (book) by Diana Larsen and Ainsley Niesalso check out Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great (book) by Diana Larsen and Esther DerbyWorks by Mariana Mazzucato:What is economic value, and who creates it? (video TED talk) The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths (book)The Value of Everything: Making and Taking in the Global Economy (book)Lakshmi’s presentation on The Power of InceptionsVic’s old post about InceptionsBrian Marick and Micro-Scale Retro-Futurist Anarcho-SyndicalismThe Art of Agile Development (book) by James ShoreHuman Systems Dynamics InstituteHigh Performance Tree (Lyssa Adkins)Agile Coffee is Proud to be a part of the Agile Podcast Network
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