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Guest: Craig Hewitt
Company / Business name: Podcast Motor
Craig Hewitt is the Founder of PodcastMotor, a productized service which offers done-for-you podcast editing and production. Podcast Motor has a team of 15 remote members spread across 4 continents and are responsible for around 40 podcasts on a regular basis.
Craig is also the founder of Castos podcast hosting and analytics with a to enable everyone to create their own podcast and share their voice with the world. Castos just celebrated it's 2nd birthday and more than 1,000 customers are on the platform.
Tools / Books / Resources mentioned:
Books: Profit First by Mike Michalowicz, Traction by Gino Wickman.
Show Notes:
01:32 minute mark:
Agile entrepreneur takeaway: If there is no solution for a problem you are facing, most likely other people are struggling too. Solve that problem and you have a business.
Craig starts off by talking about how he stumbled his way into starting podcast motor when he actually started his own podcast but found it cumbersome to get it edited and published. He calls it ‘scratch your own itch’ way of starting a business where you solve your own problem and in the process build a business to start similar problems.
04:52 minute mark:
Agile entrepreneur takeaway: Figure out your calling in life and focus on what you can accomplish.
Craig calls himself a hopeless entrepreneur who is practically unemployable in a corporate world. Instead of spinning wheels in a corporate world, Craig really wanted to accomplish meaningful things by being on his own. Even though he started by selling capital equipment to hospitals, Craig is now in a 3rd iteration of his entrepreneurial journey.
06:47 minute mark:
Agile entrepreneur takeaway: Be agile and nimble in starting your business.
Craig is a big believer in productized service business and a prime example of get started quickly. He went from an idea to a paying customer in 3 weeks and a monthly revenue of $5,000 in 2 months. Start with a problem you can solve for customers and find a way to do it soup-to-nuts for them. Then you can keep pivoting from there.
08:30 minute mark:
Agile entrepreneur takeaway: If there is no solution for a problem you are facing, most likely other people are struggling too. Solve that problem and you have a business.
Craig gives examples of where his friend Justin McGill started a challenge to start a business in 24 hours and his SAS business lead fuse did exactly that. In this segment, Craig also talks about building a customer pipeline with a combination of organic traffic (70%) and paid traffic (30%).
15:04 minute mark:
Agile entrepreneur takeaway: There are always multiple sources of motivation: personal and professional. Find yours.
Craig talks about the motivation needed to build his business. (1) He wanted to quit his full-time job and the side business he started seemed like the path (2) And the pipeline of customers who needed him provided him the additional motivation.
17:37 minute mark:
Agile entrepreneur takeaway: Read the following books if you can: The Profit First and Traction.
Craig mentions two books that were instrumental in shaping him and his business.