Warren King - In this episode I spoke to Warren who is an Ex-drug dealer, ex-gang leader, ex-prisoner, sentenced to three and a half years in prison for possession with intent to sell Class A & B drugs, and production of a class B drug.
Warren had no qualifications before his incarceration and thought: “All I would ever be good at was selling drugs.” I lacked confidence and had no self-esteem. I was lost and ended up in the dark place that is prison. However, I eventually found education. Education and learning new things gave me the direction and motivation I needed to go on and do better things. My journey is continuing to the London School of Economics where I will be studying BSc Sociology. I present workshops to secondary and/or at-risk students nationally. I use my lived experiences to educate young people on the unintended consequences of addiction, drugs, and crime, in the hope that they can learn from my experiences. I talk about mental health, drugs, county lines, gangs, violence, and prison. I would like to use sport as a platform of engagement, for those particularly at risk of gang related crime to help facilitate the building of positive relationships with their peers and positive mental health attitudes.