Hi Friends- This episode is about my journey (so far) bringing Culture Dolls to market. It is rare we go about thing alone, and I am no different. in that regard. So special thanks to the following people I reference in this podcast:
Screen printing--Nick McDonald, Owner of Big Dipper Clothing: http://bigdipperclothing.com/
Clothing prototyping--Beverly Holmes, Professor at Alaska Pacific University: https://www.alaskapacific.edu/people/beverly-dennis/
Doll Printing--Paul Walery, Owner Alaska 3D Printing: https://www.alaska3dprint.com/pages/about-me
Fabric Printing: https://www.contrado.com/
Packaging: www.printmyboxes.com
Packaging Design: www.canva.com and Adobe Photoshop
Arctic BLVD is the street where the screen printer I reference is located
Miss USA Gown by Joey Galon: http://www.joeygalon.com/
Northwest Coast Formline Glass Artist, Preston Singletary: http://prestonsingletary.com/