Welcome back to the Amanda Perry Podcast! Every Monday I’ll be sharing insights from founders and leaders in the world of DTC, business and everything in-between.
Andy Lambert is one of the founders of ContentCal and author of SOCIAL 3.0. Join us as we chat about ContentCal's journey, mastering content marketing for small businesses, the reality of Instagram's reach and the power of collaboratation.
Founder to Founder group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1165986567563254/
Newsletter Sign-up: https://www.growplusagency.com/founder-to-founder-email-sign-up/
Grow+ https://www.growplusagency.com/
Andy Lambert: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andycontentcal/?originalSubdomain=uk
ContentCal: https://www.contentcal.com/
Amanda Perry: https://www.amandaperry.co.uk