This podcast discusses how the activists responsible for the Anti-Fragile “living laboratory” (the Austin-based “Tannehill Marketville Collective”) were able to make significant progress through the holidays of Thanksgiving, Christmas/Chanukah, and New Years, and without funding, through the daily stresses of financial challenges, COVID illness, and attrition from within the team.
It’s now mid-February, and the small, unfunded activist committee responsible for delivering the Anti-Fragile “living laboratory” is on the cusp of announcing their vision and plan to the community (a formal “launch”), and through the holidays was able to define and deliver upon a professional and capable “go to market plan.”
In this podcast episode, Ruth Glendinning and Kent Dahlgren discuss attributes of what Kent once called the “hive mind operating system” for activating a sustained collective effort, and with creative continuity, through periods of hardship and attrition, and without formal modes of compensation.
The “hive mind operating system” (later known as “org,” for “organizational competency” as it was tuned through on-the-streets activism, and now known as the 214 Community Activation and Launch Methodology, or C.A.L.M.) is a step-by-step program for guiding activists from a state of outrage to sustained stewardship, through action.
It’s at this precise intersection that Ruth and Kent have merged their respective visions for, as Ruth calls it: “transacting transformation,” or as Kent elaborates (borrowing from the domain of interaction / user experience design): constructing a series of transactions / interactions to bring about transformational change, relying entirely upon soft capital (gift economy) for compensation.
The following tactile deliverables were creatively defined and delivered by a small, unfunded group of committed volunteers. Through the holidays, through COVID, and through inevitable attrition:
(Visual identity / Branding)
A newly-created logo, icon, and style guide, ensuring consistent and professional brand presentation across all materials and online platforms.
Defined audience engagement categories of “sellers” and “members,” which mixes the benefits for "buyers" and "community"
Defined “what’s in it for me?” options for "members"
Draft informational email
Informational video
Definition for "engagement packages" (defined as Seed, Root, Grow, Sustain, and Flourish
Logos for “Seed, Root, Grow, Sustain, and Flourish” are done and added to materials
Brief presentation for those who want more info (vision and step-by-step plan)
New handout flier design: messaging and logos
Corporate / Co-op structure
Governance and operational decisions regarding financials