Episode 6, In pursuit of Positivity (during pandemic) helps us to look at the positive side during difficult times.
Winds of change blow through our lives daily, and unpredictable circumstances happen on the regular that are beyond our control. How do we handle it all. If you told me a year ago I’d be doing a podcast entitled “How to Stay Positive During the Pandemic,” I’d probably laugh it off as a hyperbolic framework to talk about positivity. Who knew this is where we’d be? Especially now that the Pandemic depression is about to collide with seasonal depression.
The problem that I--and most others--have, however, isn't whether or not we stay happy when life gives us good things. It's learning how to find a way to be positive when we have absolutely no reason to be.
First things first, I've learned that it's absolutely imperative to address whatever negative thoughts we may have. It doesn't make sense to ignore our feelings of sadness and disappointment. We must address our experiences in the clearest manner possible in order to properly grow from them.
When something feels bad, it's OK to let yourself feel bad. Even the most successful among us have off days, and on those days we should acknowledge the things that went wrong.
Retrain your mind to see the struggles you encounter every day as opportunities to grow in some small way. Let yourself think, "I just can't do this," and feel momentarily frustrated before taking a closer look at what you can do to ameliorate the situation in the future.
We always forget to allow ourselves that luxury.
We live in a time filled with stress and anxiety due to the uncertainty of the Covid-19 calamity that has besieged the entire world.
While most disasters have a beginning, middle and end, the pandemic has continued — with no end in sight.
These are unprecedented difficult times filled with financial struggles, health challenges, personal isolation, social disconnection, and fear. We are mostly in survival mode. The struggles personally and professionally have made our lives challenging, making it easy to fall into the trap of developing a negative mindset.
The truth is, there are many valid reasons to feel negative about the outlook of the near future, however a negative mindset can do nothing but cause more despair.
“A positive mindset is rooted in a sense of gratitude, and that helps us tap into the reality of abundance.”