Event driven microservices are gaining a lot of traction these days due to their ability to decouple different systems while at the same time, keep interactions realtime and dynamic. In this episode of the Artifact, I talk to Jonathan Schabowsky, field CTO at Solace. Solace enables enterprises to build powerful real time event driven applications with products like event brokers, event portals and a cloud platform for events. Jonathan has a long and rich experience working with Event Driven architectures, so I was super excited and grateful when he agreed to talk with me. This interview was actually recorded way back in early 2022, but due to various personal reasons (entirely my own fault), I haven't been able to publish this, or really any other Artifact episode. But it's finally here, and if you are even a little bit interested in event driven services, you have to watch or listen to this. I ask Jonathan about the benefits of event driven architectures, the benefits, drawbacks, the mental model versus request response, and so much more! I hope you enjoy this episode and learn as much from it as I did.