What We Talked About:
Maximizing your efficiency during your BUSY season
How to adjust your schedule during busy season by:
Adjust your schedule, batch your days
Plan days off in advance and stick to them
Take care of yourself BEFORE
Take care of yourself DURING
Take care of yoruself AFTER
Remember that every minute you're not sleeping is.. Every minute youre not sleeping.
Delegate delegate delegate
Get systems in pace
Decide what work is important during this time (take care of yourself before)
Say no
Making time during your busy season for yourself and your friends/family
Questions to ask yourself including :
What days/weeks felt and worked really well? What days/weeks did you not enjoy so much? Why?
If you could do this busy season again, what would you do differently?
How are you feeling now you're almost on the other side? What can you learn from that
Are there any tasks taking up your time that don't feel essential in your business?
A year from now, what would I like to be different in my business?
People & Links We Mention:
Asia Croson Listener Survey
Biz Time With Asia Episode 009
Biz Time With Asia Episode 201
Snapchat: @asiacroson
Instagram: @asiacrosonphotography // @Biztimewithasia