Hellbound? by Kevin Miller
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In this episode, Lydia and Kevin examine Hellbound?, a 2013 documentary film on different Christian visions of hell by Kevin Miller.
Topics discussed include:
Subjectivity and objectivity in interpretationThe nature of salvation and damnationEmotional motivations for visions of the afterlifeThe art of documentary filmmakingGood preaching and bad preaching
Passing On
To purchase a DVD or a download of the film, as well as additional materials, such as the discussion guide, check out the Hellbound website.
Also, you might be interested in the following books, articles, podcasts, and videos on the subjects of Salvation, the Gospel, Good and Evil, and Hell:
“The Mirror of Hell,” a roundtable discussion on Hellbound? between Abp. Lazar Puhalo, Brad Jersak, Ron Dart, and Kevin Miller.“The Death of Death,” a sermon by Brad Jersak“Apocatastasis: The Heresy That Never Was,” by Fr. Aidan Kimel“‘The Satan’ with Brad Jersak and Michael Hardin,” an episode of the Beyond the Box podcastLife After Death: A History of the Afterlife in Western Religion, by Alan SegalThe Origin of Satan: How Christians Demonized Jews, Pagans, and Heretics, by Elaine PagelsTune in next time to hear our interview of Dr. Jeana Jorgensen, Ph.D., folklorist, sex educator, and belly dancer extraordinaire!