☽ Tuning into committments with ‘AWA / Kava
☽ Capricorn season closing out - reflections & invitations
☽ Laying foundations for the year ahead
☽ Feeling into the energy of 2025
☽ Creating a “hollow bone” within the body - an invitation to focus energy on creating a clear channel within our bodies to HEAR the voice of intuition
☽ Honoring the inner winter & sacred pause / honoring the liminal space we are in
☽ Reflections on NYE water ceremony
☽ The sacredness of community
☽ Entering a new era of exiting the survival place and RISING to thrive
☽ Creating space for the NEW era
☽ Create your own ceremony invitation:
Cleanse with the healing waters of the earth
Source a natural water stream and envision the water cleansing all of your fears and worries
AND / OR create a ceremonial shower or bath to wash away your limiting beliefs
☽ Elevating collective consciousness
☽ Tune into the call of the earth to honor her, to connect to the lands we walk upon
☽ Aligning life with astrological energy and weaving the ancient with the modern
☽ Leaning into the Mystery and BIGGEST investment into my business thus far !!!! AHHH! Celebrating the journey into the Pythia Priestess Initiation with Eternal Womb
☽ Ways to connect with Community:
Phoenix: Book a session at Optimyze, Join a Yoga class at Urban Yoga
Upcoming Community circles
Pisces New Moon Kava & Kakao Circle - date and location TBD
March 2025 Red Tent Sisterhood Circle for WOMBen only
Online: The Badass Bohemian Community, we gather every new and full moon for cosmic cacao community calls tuning into the astrology. BBC is $33 / month and price going up in 2025
Online: The Red Tent Sisterhood 13 week devotion to the womb, launching with the Spring Equinox, March 21st
Order BluebottleLove: https://bluebottlelove.com/?ref=MADELINEMACDONALD Use code: thebadassbohemian
Order Kakao ceremonial drinking chocolate: https://www.flykakao.com/?ref=thebadassbohemian Use code: thebadassbohemian
Order WeMoon Astrological Calendar Book https://wemoon.ws/products/moon-calendar-datebook (no code, yet ;)
Order The Sophia Code book: https://kaiara.com/get-the-sophia-code/