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FAQs about The Bassist Podcast:How many episodes does The Bassist Podcast have?The podcast currently has 119 episodes available.
April 30, 2018Episode 19 with Mat Lewis and DJ SheridanThese two humans have been an undeniable voice of reason in my life for longer than I can remember. Mat is a social worker and DJ teaches carpentry at a CA State Prison....more1h 42minPlay
April 23, 2018Episode 18 with Matt DavisI always adore talking with drummer and life-coach extraordinaire Matt Davis. Be sure to check out his Instagram account; his foot-technique is impeccable!...more2h 22minPlay
April 16, 2018Episode 17 with Jason Lewis & Brad McClainToday’s guests are my brother Jason & pro skater Brad McClain. I had such a blast talking with these gentlemen about skating, music and killing children on skooters. Really but not really....more2h 3minPlay
April 09, 2018Episode 16 with Brian Kops & Mauricio GuerreroI had so much fun talking with these dudes. I apologize if half of the podcast is uncontrollable laughter (I’m not sorry)....more1h 22minPlay
April 05, 2018Episode 15 with Jordan ChildsJordan and I met last week and I was blown away with his abilities and the quality of his work. I know you’ll see him again here at TB.N in the near future 🙂...more2h 11minPlay
April 03, 2018Episode 14 with Voyce McGinley IIIVoyce has had a huge influence on me over the years both professionally and musically – perhaps in other ways that I can’t even fathom yet. I know you’ll dig what he has to share!...more1h 42minPlay
March 26, 2018Episode 13 with Mark & Cheryl LewisI thought it would be interesting to bring my parents on the podcast and ask them all of the same questions that I get asked from all of you. It kinda feels a bit like being back in 1st grade and it’s show & tell day. Enjoy!...more1h 15minPlay
March 19, 2018Episode 12 with Austin ElrodI absolutely adore this man. Austin a good friend and a great drummer. Unfortunately he’s not convinced that we ever landed on the moon, but I guess you can’t win em all....more1h 35minPlay
March 15, 2018Episode 11 with Keynon McBurneyIt was so delightful to chat with my good friend and rhythm-section-evil-twin Keynon McBurney. You’ve heard him on my channel before and I know you’ll dig what he has to say!...more2h 39minPlay
March 12, 2018Episode 10 with Wil PearceToday we are joined by my good friend Wil Pearce. Wil is a dear friend of mine and brilliant musician, among many other things. Be sure to check out his latest album at 6minPlay
FAQs about The Bassist Podcast:How many episodes does The Bassist Podcast have?The podcast currently has 119 episodes available.