Wow, what crazy times we live in. So much has (rapidly!) changed since the recording of this series. The COVID 19 pandemic has taken full control of our lives in Canada. I spend most of my days at home, balancing the impossible task of full time child care with full time work all in one space. While I feel incredibly lucky I also feel like I am flying by the seat of my pants, everyday. It has also made me think a lot about intersectionality and the privileges and injustices that are affecting so many people in so many different ways in the world.Despite the onslaught of the coronavirus taking over our daily interactions, I still hold an incredible belief that gender equality is as important as ever. What I thought would be a final episode ended up as another series. I have released the first two episodes, co-hosted with the lovely Leyla Shahid. We tackle the ambitious question of "Where does Canada need to go in 2020 when it comes to gender equality?". My co-host Leyla Shahid and I talk with some incredible gender equality advocates such as Rosemary Ganley, Dr. Karen Lawford and Joyce Arthur. And there are a few things that have become more clear to me amidst the chaos:1. Gender equality is more important than ever. We can see this as the COVID 19 crisis unfolds. While the impacts are felt by everyone, it is still vulnerable populations who remain most at risk. 2. When it comes to action governments can and will make change. Large change can happen on a grand scale. There is no excuse when it comes to universal health care, universal child care, and equal access to rights and opportunities. Everyone, regardless of gender, sex, class, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, abilities, culture, age or socioeconomic status deserves human rights. 3. As ordinary people we can and need to do better. Let us make sure our governments remain accountable to what the people really need.Enjoy the first two episodes of Series 6: Feminist Birth Talks! The New Decade. Until then - live life, love true and keep it real.
Oh - and take good care of each other and our planet. We could all use more love than fear right now.Mai